United Support Animals - Finding Legitimate Support Pets

Nov 14, 2023


Welcome to United Support Animals, where we are dedicated to helping individuals find legitimate support pets for emotional support, therapy, and service purposes. Our comprehensive pet services, pet adoption program, and pet training sessions ensure that you find the perfect companion to support your well-being.

Pet Services

At United Support Animals, we offer a wide range of pet services to cater to all your emotional support and therapy animal needs. Our team of experts is trained to provide professional guidance and support throughout the process. From documentation assistance to arranging therapy sessions, we are here to make your experience as seamless as possible.

Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Evaluation

If you require an emotional support animal, our ESA evaluation services are designed to help assess your eligibility and provide you with the necessary documentation. Our licensed mental health professionals understand the importance of an ESA in managing mental health conditions and will guide you through the evaluation process.

Therapy Animal Training

Our therapy animal training programs are tailored to train your pet for therapy purposes. Whether you have a dog, cat, bird, or any other compatible animal, our experienced trainers will provide the necessary guidance and techniques to develop your pet's therapy skills. Our comprehensive training sessions include obedience training, socialization, and exposure to different environments to ensure your pet is well-prepared for their therapy work.

Pet Adoption

If you are looking to adopt a support pet, United Support Animals has a diverse range of animals available for adoption. Each animal goes through a thorough vetting process to ensure they are suitable for their new role in supporting individuals. We work closely with reputable shelters and rescue organizations to provide a loving home to animals in need.

Finding the Perfect Pet

Our extensive database allows you to search for support pets based on your specific requirements. You can specify the type of animal, breed, age, and temperament to find the perfect match. We encourage a meet-and-greet session where you can interact with the animal to ensure compatibility and a strong bond.

Adoption Process

Once you have found your ideal support pet, our adoption process is streamlined to make it as convenient as possible for you. Our team will guide you through the necessary paperwork and requirements. We prioritize the well-being of both the pet and the adopter, ensuring a smooth transition into their new living environment.

Pet Training

United Support Animals provides professional pet training services to ensure that your support pet is well-behaved, obedient, and capable of assisting you in various situations. Our trainers have years of experience working with various support animals and are equipped with the skills to help you achieve the best results.

Obedience Training

Our obedience training sessions focus on teaching your support pet essential commands, such as sit, stay, come, and heel. These basic commands establish a strong foundation in your pet's training, ensuring they can follow instructions and behave appropriately in different environments.

Task Training

In addition to obedience training, we offer specialized task training that is tailored to the specific needs of individuals. Whether it's opening doors, retrieving items, or providing comfort during anxiety-inducing situations, our trainers will work closely with you and your support pet to develop the necessary skills.


United Support Animals is your trusted partner in finding legitimate support pets. With our comprehensive pet services, pet adoption program, and pet training, we aim to provide you with the perfect companion to enhance your emotional well-being. Contact us today to embark on a journey towards finding a support pet that can make a positive difference in your life.

support pets legit